Thursday, March 11, 2010

Give me some sunshine !

I used to think that this song was a little overdone & was more apt for students sitting for scary exams. But the frame of mind that I have been in the last few days suggests something different.
Flashback ..
My schooling years went by in the glory of standing 1st in class. Didnt realize that in all my conscientiousness I was losing valuable years of my life, not doing anything else but STUDY, learn, prepare ! College and business school campus was slightly different but I was plagued by my habit...& hence again STUDY, learn, group preparations, shade of politics and placements.
Readers..Keep looking for the common thread !
Then came the dream job off campus. The canvas of influence was vast. New environment but yet again the year end pressure..what would it be like? Does my boss really like me..more than my peers. And the race had a new name..rating, grading, promotion, increments ! I thought that time, its just the beginning ...I was sure that things only become better...why? Cause I am good in my work ! Yea, I have studied hard, have been on top of my classes, have been placed well & deliver whats on my table, sometime more. I am good so increasingly things will start clearing out. But no !
The race just goes on. It is a race and from one designation to the next, from one salary to the next this will continue. It will gain newer manifestations - maybe a bigger car and a bigger house.
Give me some sunshine..give me some rain..give me another chance ...wait a moment !
Another chance is not to be given. It should be snatched away from life. So what if I'm nearing 30. So what if I have worked hard to reach a status in my professional life. So what if 1st of every month I get a handsome amount transferred into my bank account. SO WHAT !